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Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge
without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
— Samuel Johnson

21jul24 terrorism TERRORISM – Islamofascism
22dec21 education EDUCATION 2nd AMENDMENT 2nd Amendment 1apr20
7nov15 taxes TAXES & the 'MONEY' FREE SPEECH &
Free Speech 5may24
3nov18 Health Care HEALTH CARE BIG BROTHER Big Brother 22feb18
23dec17 over regulation OVER REGULATION ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT environment 19jul24
26jan19 The 4th Estate THE 4th ESTATE THE LAW & LITIGATION The Law & Litigation 18jun21
2jan22 Our Culture OUR CULTURE OUR DECAYING SOCIETY Decaying Society 3dec23
31may24 Insights INSIGHTS NEW WORLD ORDER New World Order 4may05
22dec21 Constitutional Issues CONSTITUTIONAL


Philosophy of Government 28apr24
22jul17 PCism in America PCism in AMERICA METRICATION
Just Say No!
Metrication 19oct21

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